after the rain by adhitia sofyan

this is the best song i ever heard....
ini linknya gan :p

dan ini lirik nya

After The Rain

If I could bottled the smell of the wet land after the rain
I’d make it a perfume and send it to your house
If one in a million stars suddenly will hit satellite
I’ll pick some pieces, they’ll be on your way

In a far land across
You’re standing at the sea
Then the wind blows the scent
And that little star will there to guide me

If only I could find my way to the ocean
I’m already there with you
If somewhere down the line
We will never get to meet
I’ll always wait for you after the rain

cuma share...(khusus bagi para pasien)
cek gan....... :p
np : langsung di play aja gan....oia jangan kaget hehe

apa artinya toga

dapet inspirasi dari cerita senior-senior...toga
buat apa punya toga kalo ga bekerja di bidang masing-masing
percuma kan?
4 tahun kita makan bangku kampus demi cita-cita yang kita idam kan
tapi setelash lulus? kemana?
kebanyakan sarjana yg salah alamat masuk dunia kerja, sigh, maaf bukan maksud buat ngeluh....
tapi kebanyakan sarjana di Indonesia begitu....lari dari tanggung jawab ilmu yang dipunyai...
contoh deh...sarjana biologi kerja di bank....anak sastra sunda jadi guru bahasa inggris...
anak perikanan masuk ke instansi yg bukan di bidangnya....
kan, ilmu yang kita punya sebenernya tanggung jawab, bener ga?
kita punya tanggung jawab untuk meneruskan ilmu yang kita punya, makanyaa kita ngerasa jalan ditempat, soalnya banyak orang yang salah alamat kerja, kalopun alesannya takut kerja dibidang yg kita geluti  karena faktor ekonomi? nahh disini kita lihat,sukses itu bukan materi bahan pembandingnya...sukses bukan cuma harta men,tapi kepuasan batinn......
cukup ah makin ngelantur....
semoga saya bukan termasuk golongan seperti itu...aammiinn
nb : buat temen-temen yg lagi banyak tugas jangan ngeluh yaa......kita bisa brader...

kejadian tolol :p

kejadian tolol semalem
kebangun jam 2 malem
langsung konek internet
langsung on skype
selang 15 menit kemudian baru sadar
ngapain on skype?
toh udah ga ada lagi yg  teleponan jam segitu

objek baru :)

yup ini obsesi ane gan.....
motoin ekspresi anak kecil.....
err maaf kalo gambarnya ga bagus belom sempet di touch up :p
aga males....lebih baik alami kan?
liat ekspresi wajah mereka...
bikin adem ga gan?

This is our fighter baby.....

Indonesian-korean co-op fighter

INDONESIA to develop light attack helicopter , co-op with SOUTH KOREA

In the ADEX 2009 Korea unveils light attack helicopter KAH based on KUH (photo : Koreansentry)

JAKARTA, (Xinhua) -- Indonesia's plane company PT Dirgantara Indonesia will develop a light attack helicopter and military cooperation with South Korea, a top executive said here on Thursday.
"We are in cooperation with the Indonesian Army to develop a light attack helicopter that could be used to confront separatist and smugglers," said Budi Santoso, president director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia in a parliamentary hearing.

He said that characteristic of the helicopter is different from MI35 that is designed for opened battle in which noise is not important. "The most important element of the light attack helicopter is its low noise while flying. We don't need helicopters like MI35 that its noise could be heard from a distance of 10 kilometers," Santoso said.

He also said that the Defense Ministry and its South Korean counterpart are developing a program named the Korean Fighter Program (KFP). "This is our opportunity to upgrade our skill and to grow new expertise, mainly in engineering," he said.

According to Santoso, general lifetime of a plane is about 20- 30 years.

"However, during the lifetime, we need maybe twice or three times of upgrade on weaponry and avionic system. If we have the expertise, we could upgrade it according to our needs," he said.